| pełna lista słów |
| 1. macaroni |
| 2. machine operator |
| 3. machinery and equipment |
| 4. mackerel |
| 5. made of brick/stone |
| 6. magnet |
| 7. magnetic field |
| 8. magnetic tape |
| 9. magpie |
| 10 .mail box |
| 11. mail order |
| 12. mail order catalogue |
| 13. main course |
| 14. maize grits |
| 15. maize, corn |
| 16. mammal |
| 17. manage |
| 18. management |
| 19. manager |
| 20. manganese |
| 21. mango |
| 22. mangold |
| 23. manned car park |
| 24. manometer |
| 25. manufacture |
| 26. manufacturing |
| 27. maple syrup |
| 28. mare |
| 29. margarine |
| 30. margin |
| 31. marinate, pickle |
| 32. marinated, pickled |
| 33. marine, sea |
| 34. marjoram |
| 35. marker |
| 36. market forecast |
| 37. market research |
| 38. market trends |
| 39. marketing |
| 40. married |
| 41. martin |
| 42. mashed potatoes |
| 43. mask |
| 44. mass |
| 45. mass production |
| 46. mass-produced |
| 47. master |
| 48. matrix |
| 49. matt |
| 50. mayonnaise |
| 51. meadow |
| 52. mean |
| 53. mean (with money) |
| 54. means of communication/transport |
| 55. means of payment |
| 56. measure |
| 57. meat grinder |
| 58. meat loaf |
| 59. meat sauce |
| 60. meatball |
| 61. mechanic |
| 62. mechanics |
| 63. medical |
| 64. medical assistance |
| 65. medicine |
| 66. medium dry |
| 67. medium rare |
| 68. medium sweet |
| 69. medium-sized company |
| 70. melon |
| 71. melt |
| 72. memory |
| 73. memory capacity |
| 74. mend |
| 75. menu |
| 76. mercury |
| 77. metal |
| 78. metallurgy, steel industry |
| 79. meter |
| 80. micrometer calliper |
| 81. microprocessor |
| 82. microwave oven |
| 83. middle management |
| 84. mild |
| 85. milk |
| 86. mill, grinder |
| 87. millet |
| 88. millet (groats) |
| 89. mince (meat) |
| 90. minced meat |
| 91. miner |
| 92. mineral water |
| 93. minestrone |
| 94. mining |
| 95. minivan |
| 96. mink |
| 97. mint |
| 98. mirror |
| 99. mistaken |
| 100. mix (liquids ) |
| 101. mix of chocolates |
| 102. mix of herbs for seasoning |
| 103. mixed-fruit |
| 104. mixture |
| 105. mobile drawer unit |
| 106. modem |
| 107. modern |
| 108. modest |
| 109. mole |
| 110. molecule |
| 111. money |
| 112. monitor |
| 113. monkey |
| 114. monthly |
| 115. mortar |
| 116. mortgage |
| 117. motel |
| 118. motherboard |
| 119. motor, car |
| 120. mouldboard plough |
| 121. mouse |
| 122. mouse pad |
| 123. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation |
| 124. movement |
| 125. mudguard |
| 126. muesli |
| 127. mule |
| 128. mulled beer |
| 129. mulled wine |
| 130. multi-furrow |
| 131. multi-furrow plough |
| 132. multi-purpose |
| 133. mushroom |
| 134. mussel, clam |
| 135. mustard |
| 136. mute |
| 137. mutton |