| pełna lista słów |
| 1. packet of butter |
| 2. paint |
| 3. paint brush |
| 4. paint stripper |
| 5. painter, decorator |
| 6. pale |
| 7. pallet truck |
| 8. pancake, crepe |
| 9. panther |
| 10 . paper |
| 11. paper clamp |
| 12. paper clip |
| 13. paper guide |
| 14. paperwork |
| 15. parallel port |
| 16. paring knife |
| 17. parking space |
| 18. parsley |
| 19. parsnip |
| 20. partition |
| 21. partition wall |
| 22. partridge |
| 23. passage |
| 24. passive |
| 25. password |
| 26. pasta |
| 27. pasta shells |
| 28. pasta spirals |
| 29. pasta-cutter |
| 30. pastry cutter |
| 31. pasty |
| 32. pate |
| 33. path |
| 34. pathetic |
| 35. paw |
| 36. pay |
| 37. pay back debt |
| 38. pay day |
| 39. pay list |
| 40. payment |
| 41. payment terms |
| 42. pea |
| 43. peach |
| 44. peanut |
| 45. peanut butter |
| 46. pear |
| 47. pearl barley |
| 48. pearl grey |
| 49. peel |
| 50. pelican |
| 51. pen |
| 52. pencil |
| 53. pencil sharpener |
| 54. pendrive |
| 55. pendulum |
| 56. pendulum clock |
| 57. pension contribution |
| 58. penthouse |
| 59. pepper |
| 60. pepper mill |
| 61. per cent, percentage |
| 62. percentage |
| 63. perch |
| 64. perforated |
| 65. performance |
| 66. periodic table of elements |
| 67. permission |
| 68. permit |
| 69. personal assistant |
| 70. personal computer (PC) |
| 71. personnel |
| 72. pestle |
| 73. petrol cap |
| 74. petrol tank |
| 75. pharmaceutical |
| 76. pharmaceuticals |
| 77. pheasant |
| 78. phone |
| 79. photocopier |
| 80. physician |
| 81. physiotherapist |
| 82. pick-axe |
| 83. pickle |
| 84. pickup truck, pickup van |
| 85. pie |
| 86. piece of furniture |
| 87. pig |
| 88. pig's trotter |
| 89. pigeon |
| 90. piglet |
| 91. pigsty |
| 92. pike |
| 93. pillow, cushion |
| 94. pilot |
| 95. pimento |
| 96. PIN identification |
| 97. pineapple |
| 98. pinion |
| 99. pink |
| 100. pipe |
| 101. pistachio |
| 102. piston |
| 103. pitch |
| 104. pizza restaurant, pizzeria |
| 105. place mat |
| 106. place setting |
| 107. plain chocolate |
| 108. plain egg pasta |
| 109. plain flour |
| 110. plane |
| 111. planned budget |
| 112. plant |
| 113. plant oil |
| 114. plant pot |
| 115. plaster |
| 116. plasterer |
| 117. plastic |
| 118. plate |
| 119. platform |
| 120. platinum |
| 121. play room |
| 122. pliers |
| 123. plotter |
| 124. plough |
| 125. plug |
| 126. plug-in |
| 127. plum |
| 128. plumb line |
| 129. plumber |
| 130. pocket |
| 131. point of sale |
| 132. pointer |
| 133. polarization of light |
| 134. policeman |
| 135. policewoman |
| 136. polite, kind |
| 137. pomegranate |
| 138. pony |
| 139. poor |
| 140. poor quality |
| 141. popular |
| 142. porch |
| 143. porcupine |
| 144. pork |
| 145. pork chop, pork cutlet |
| 146. pork loin |
| 147. pork pig |
| 148. port |
| 149. positive |
| 150. possible |
| 151. postal order |
| 152. poster |
| 153. postman |
| 154. postwoman |
| 155. pot, cauldron |
| 156. potassium |
| 157. potato |
| 158. potato combine |
| 159. potato dumplings |
| 160. potato flour, potato starch |
| 161. potato peeler |
| 162. potato rissole |
| 163. potential |
| 164. poultry |
| 165. pour |
| 166. power cord |
| 167. power supply |
| 168. power-assisted steering |
| 169. prawn, shrimp |
| 170. prefabricated |
| 171. preheat |
| 172. premises |
| 173. press |
| 174. pressure |
| 175. pressure cooker |
| 176. pressure gauge |
| 177. pretty |
| 178. prickly pear, opuntia |
| 179. priest |
| 180. primer, undercoat |
| 181. primitive |
| 182. print head |
| 183. printed circuit |
| 184. printer |
| 185. printout |
| 186. processing |
| 187. processor |
| 188. production line |
| 189. production plant |
| 190. profit |
| 191. profit and loss account |
| 192. pro-forma invoice |
| 193. programme |
| 194. project |
| 195. promote (a product) |
| 196. promote (someone) |
| 197. propeller, rotor |
| 198. protect |
| 199. protective clothing |
| 200. protective gloves |
| 201. proteins |
| 202. proton |
| 203. provisional driving licence |
| 204. provisions, supply |
| 205. prune |
| 206. prunes |
| 207. pruning knife |
| 208. pruning shears |
| 209. publicity |
| 210. publisher |
| 211. publishing |
| 212. pudding |
| 213. pull |
| 214. pulley |
| 215. pump |
| 216. pumpkin |
| 217. pup |
| 218. purchase |
| 219. purple |
| 220. purple plum |
| 221. put, place |
| 222. putty |