| pełna lista słów |
| 1. rabbit |
| 2. radiation |
| 3. radiator |
| 4. radiologist |
| 5. radish |
| 6. radius |
| 7. rafter |
| 8. raise, rear (animals) |
| 9. raising agent |
| 10. raisins |
| 11. rake |
| 12. ram |
| 13. rare |
| 14. raspberry |
| 15. rat |
| 16. ratchet |
| 17. rattan |
| 18. raw |
| 19. raw materials |
| 20. ray |
| 21. ray, beam |
| 22. ready |
| 23. real estate agent/broker |
| 24. real property |
| 25. real, true, genuine |
| 26. rear window |
| 27. rear-view mirror |
| 28. receipt |
| 29. reception |
| 30. receptionist |
| 31. reclining seat |
| 32. rectifier |
| 33. red |
| 34. red cabbage |
| 35. red currant |
| 36. red mullet |
| 37. reduce |
| 38. reducing coupling |
| 39. reduction |
| 40. reference |
| 41. reference number |
| 42. refinance credit |
| 43. refined oil |
| 44. refraction of light |
| 45. refresher course |
| 46. refund |
| 47.reindeer |
| 48. reinforced |
| 49. remote control |
| 50. renewal |
| 51. rennet |
| 52. rennet cheese |
| 53. rent |
| 54. repair |
| 55. repay money |
| 56. replace |
| 57. representative |
| 58. research and development (R&D) |
| 59. reset |
| 60. resistance |
| 61. restaurant |
| 62. resuscitation |
| 63. retail |
| 64. retailer |
| 65. retirement pension |
| 66. retraining |
| 67. reverse |
| 68. revolving credit |
| 69. rhinoceros |
| 70. ribbon noodles |
| 71. ribbon-shaped pasta |
| 72. rice |
| 73. rich |
| 74. rim |
| 75. ring |
| 76. ring of sausage |
| 77. rinse |
| 78. ripe |
| 79. risotto |
| 80. rissole |
| 81. roast |
| 82. roast, roasted |
| 83. roasting tray |
| 84. rocking chair |
| 85. rod, bar |
| 86. roll |
| 87. roll with a filling |
| 88. roller |
| 89. rolling-pin |
| 90. rollmop |
| 91. roof |
| 92. roof rack |
| 93. rook |
| 94. room |
| 95. rooster |
| 96. rope |
| 97. rope ladder |
| 98. rosemary |
| 99. rotary harrow |
| 100. rotary plough |
| 101. rotor |
| 102. rotten |
| 103. rough |
| 104. rough (sea) |
| 105. rough (surface) |
| 106. rub through a strainer |
| 107. rubber |
| 108. rude |
| 109. ruler |
| 110. rum |
| 111. runner bean |
| 112. rural situation |
| 113. rustproof |
| 114. rye |
| 115. rye bread |