letter "W"
pełna lista słów
1. waffle
2. waffle iron
3. wage
4. waiter
5. waitress
6. wall
7. wall cupboard
8. wall unit (hanging)
9. wallpaper
10. walnut
11. wardrobe
12. warehouse, storehouse
13. warm
14. warm-hearted
15. warmth
16. washbasin
17. washer
18. washing machine
19. washing powder
20. washroom
21. waste bin
22. water
23. water heater
24. water-based
25. watermelon
26. watt
27. wave
28. weak
29. weasel
30. webbing
31. weekly
32. weight
33. welder
34. Welsh rarebit
35. wet
36. wet paint!
37. whale
38. wheat
39. wheat bread
40. wheel
41. wheelbarrow
42. whipped cream
43. whisk
44. whisk (cream)
45. whisky
46. white
47. white bread
48. white currant
49. white pudding
50. wholemeal
51. wholemeal bread
52. wholemeal flour
53. wholesale
54. wholesaler
55. wide
56. wild
57. wild boar
58. wild pig
59. wild thyme
60. wind (up)
61. windmill
62. window
63. windscreen
64. windscreen wipers
65. wine
66. wine vinegar
67. wing
68. wire
69. wire stripper
70. wiring
71. with a balcony
72. with a bath
73. with a double bed
74. with a phone
75. with a sea view
76. with a shower
77. with a TV
78. with milk
79. with people
80. withdraw
81. withdraw money
82. withdrawal of money
83. wolf
84. wood
85. wooden frame
86. wooden spoon
87. word processing
88. work
89. work in shifts
90. work overtime
91. workbench
92. worker
93. workshop
94. wrap
95. write protect
96. writer
97. wrong