Karol Król

Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape

Comparative analysis of the performance of selected raster map viewers

Cytuj (APA): Król, K. (2018). Comparative analysis of the performance of selected raster map viewers. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL), 2, 23-32. DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2018.2.23

wykres wskaźnikowy

Przeglądarki map rastrowych znajdują zastosowanie w szczególności, gdy brak jest ekonomicznego uzasadnienia tworzenia rozbudowanych serwisów mapowych lub gdy zaistnieje potrzeba szybkiego opublikowania mapy. Przeglądarki te mogą być wykonane w różny sposób i mają swoje ograniczenia. Wybrane z nich mogą być mało wydajne, co może utrudnić lub wręcz uniemożliwić przeglądanie mapy. Celem pracy jest analiza porównawcza wydajności wybranych przeglądarek map rastrowych. Pomiaru wydajności dokonano przy pomocy narzędzi automatyzujących testy. Wyznaczono wartość zagregowanego wskaźnika wydajności ES-SCORE (Estimated Speed Score). Wykazano, że aplikacja utworzona przy pomocy ImageViewer (jQuery JavaScript) była obiektywnie najlepsza spośród testowanych (w przyjętym modelu badań).


Monitoring the use of the internet application for Tomice municipality local plan of spatial development

Cytuj (APA): Król, K., Prus, B. (2017). Monitoring the use of the internet application for Tomice municipality local plan of spatial development. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL), 2, 91-98. DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.91

Monitoring the use of the internet application

Diverse visualizations of environmental data, infographics, maps and Internet services can be information sources not only for their recipients, but also for their creators. That information can come from the monitoring of users’ activity, which can be carried out in an automated way by means of Internet applications. Results for the monitoring of the Internet application presenting the local plan of spatial development of Tomice municipality are presented in the paper. From measuring their users’ activity, it can be concluded that despite the increased number of visits from outside Poland’s borders, the service remains of greatest interest to local communities. The vast majority of recorded visits came from the adjacent areas or these located near the municipality itself.


Data presentation on the map in Google Charts and jQuery JavaScript technologies

Cytuj (APA): Król, K. (2016). Data presentation on the map in Google Charts and jQuery JavaScript technologies. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL), 2, 91-106. DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2016.2.91

jQuery JavaScript technologies

The article presents selected software development tools and technologies that enable the presentation of statistical data on digital maps in the browser. The aim of the study was to describe them, and to conduct their comparative evaluation. In our studies, we have used ad-hoc tests, performed on the basis of usability and functionality, using the technique of self-evaluation. Based on the criteria of global popularity and availability, the following were subjected to ad-hoc tests: Google Visualization — Geomap and Geo Chart, as well as selected solutions developed on the basis of the jQuery JavaScript. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that the tested design and development technologies are complementary, while the selection of tools to carry out the design principles assumed remains at the discretion of the user.


Geoportal 2: nationwide network node of spatial information — description of its characteristics and an attempt at evaluation of selected functionalities

Cytuj (APA): Król, K., Prus, B., Salata, T. (2016). Geoportal 2: nationwide network node of spatial information — description of its characteristics and an attempt at evaluation of selected functionalities. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL), 1, 47-63. DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2016.1.47

For more than a decade now, in the EU countries in particular, we observe significant advances in the development of regional geoportals, created by various public administration units. This has resulted, above all, from: legal regulations, an increased demand for geospatial information, and the development of mobile and geo-information technologies.
At present, there are several hundred official mapping services on the Internet, making available databases of geospatial information of varying character. One of these is the map portal called Geoportal 2. One of the distinguishing features of the service is the fact that it provides access to geospatial data with the administrative data status, including land registry data. Despite regulatory limitations related to data processing, the Geoportal 2 is one of the most popular and most frequently chosen specialist map services in Poland. The goal of the paper is to present the Geoportal 2, describe its characteristics, and evaluate selected functionalities available within the mapping service.


Conception of a touristic map and nature protection forms created with use of open data sources and free software on a Grybów commune example

Cytuj (APA): Król, K. (2015). Conception of a touristic map and nature protection forms created with use of open data sources and free software on a Grybów commune example. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL), 4, 49-59. DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2015.4.49

Conception of a touristic map

In the last decade, far-reaching changes in the way of using the Internet, which as a result of range, multimedia and interactivity plays bigger and bigger role in interpersonal communication, could be observed. These changes are accompanied by development of geo-information services which are usually associated with geo-visualization understood as presentation of geographic information on the maps. Attainability of computer techniques which enable creating of network applications activated users who often and often build their own topic services which connect chosen contents with a map base.
The aim of the paper is to analyse chosen data sources as well as techniques and computer tools which can be used to create topic maps according to the conception „user-creator” (produser), „user-producer” (produsage). The project of a topic map presenting chosen touristic object and also nature protection forms localized in the area of Grybów commune (Małopolska, nowosądecki district) was presented in the article. In conclusion, it was revealed that the created map is elastic in edition and development and its every element is possible to be modified. However, it has got some limitations. Its modification needs expert knowledge and access to a server and published data can be questionable for users.


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